Slaven Tolj was born in 1964 in Dubrovnik, and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo in 1987. He founded and facilitated the work of Art Workshop Lazareti from 1988 to 2012. Since 2021, he has been living once more in Dubrovnik, actively participating in the work of Art Workshop Lazareti and the Dubrovnik branch of Croatian Association of Fine Artists – Flora Gallery, as the manager of the media library and independent artist. From 2012 to 2020, he was the Director of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka (MMSU), as well as art director of Rijeka European Culture Capital 2020. Within the accompanying programme of the 58th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Venice in 2019, he exhibited together with Marijana and Izvor Pende, and at the 15th Architecture Biennale, he exhibited together with Miranda Veljačić, Emina Višnić and Dinko Peračić. He represented Croatia at the 51st Contemporary Art Biennale in Venice in 2005. His work was included in the documenta 10 exhibition, in Kassel in 1997. He participated in many solo and group exhibitions all over the world.